Submitted paper will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee.
The presentation type may possibly be changed following review by the Scientific Program Committee.
Submitting an paper does not constitute conference registration; presenters must register separately.
Please carefully read the guidelines before submitting your paper.
After submission, you can review and modify your paper at [My page-Paper Submission] until the submission deadline.
The schedule is subject to change.
Paper must be submitted via the online submission system. Faxed or emailed paper will not be considered.
If you would like to withdraw your paper after the submission deadline, please contact the secretariat via email.
Guidelines for Paper Submission
Please select the correct program you intend to submit.
Paper must be written in clear English.
Please note that all Paper should use the template for EARCOME 9.
Please note that there are different instructions depending on the type of program you intend to submit.
For Plenary Lecture, Invited Lecture, and Topic Study Group papers the abstract may have a length of up to 10 lines.
For Working Groups, Special Sharing Groups, and Poster Presentations no abstract is necessary.
Plenary Lectures and Invited Lectures should be at least 20 pages (including references).
Topic Study Groups should be no more than 4 pages (not including references).
Working Groups, Special Sharing Groups, and Poster Presentations should be no more than 2 pages (not including references).
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
The right to publish your paper is granted to the EARCOME 9 Local Organizing Committee.
Presenting authors must register for the conference through the website.
Notification of Acceptance
All submitted Papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee according to standard review procedures.
Note that all papers submitted to TSGs are reviewed by the chair and co-chairs with the assistance of the coordinator in each TSG.
Acceptance will be notified by email to presenting authors on the notification date.
Withdrawal of Paper
If the presenting author of an accepted paper does not register by standard registration,
the paper will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
If you would like to withdraw a paper, please notify the Secretariat by email as soon as possible.